Tanil Ferris

Tanil Ferris

(Lover Boy)
Born 23318, Yr 86 [Age 35] on Perdan IV
Nationality: Amarr
Bloodline: Khanid
Sect: Unknown

Tanil was born into an established Khanid military family while his father was stationed in Perdan IV in the Tash-Murkon region.  Following in the footsteps of his father and two older brothers Tanil joined the military, enlisting with a Paladin regiment under the command of House Sarum.  He served proudly and with distinction for over a decade but when the Elder fleet penetrated Amarrian space at the beginning of the Empyrean age Tanil lost both his faith and conviction. Tanil was voluntarily discharged and began wandering New Eden in search of answers.

Instead of answers to his questions he found Renae Hashu at a drug packed rave in red light section of Jita.  Following this crazy women they started a rather steamy affair which lasted for several months during which Tanil fell madly and obsessively in love with Renae.  In order to be more useful Tanil made the step to capsuleership, returning to Amarr and entering the Imperial Academy in Chaven before becoming a freighter pilot working for Hashu Family Enterprises, hauling product and materials between Jita, Amarr, and other centers of HASHU activity.

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